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Java Cubeb Peppercorns

Product code: 5000407
4,00 €
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Java Cubeb Peppercorns

Product code: 5000407

Piper cubeba

Javanese peppercorn or cubeb are the fruits of a tropical vine from the pepper family originating from Java and other Indonesian islands. They have been cultivated in Java since the 16th century and for 200 years, cubebi were a popular substitute for black peppercorn in Europe. By the 19th century, they became almost impossible to obtain.

Cubebs are hardly known in the West today, but there is a resurgence of interest among spice devotees.


They have a warm, pleasant aroma, slightly peppery, but at the same time similar to allspice, with a hint of eucalyptus and turpentine. When raw, the flavor is strong, like pine, pungent and fiery with lingering bitter notes, but cooking brings out the allspice flavor.

USED ARE unripe fruits.


Javanese peppercorn is not easy to find, except at some spice merchants. Shop moderately. Although they retain their aromatic properties for a long time, they are used in small quantities. Store them whole in a well-closed container, where they can last for more than 2 years. Grind them as needed.


Cubeb, also known as Javanese peppercorn or tail pepper, is used locally in Indonesian cuisine and to a lesser extent in Sri Lanka, where it is also grown.

In the 17th century, it was traded by Arab traders and was present in Arab cuisine, and today it remains present in the Moroccan spice mixture ras el hanout. Cubebi are used as a seasoning for North African lamb or lamb tagines and as a substitute for allspice in long-cooking dishes. Cubebi go best with meat and vegetable dishes.

Cubebe is often confused with Ashanti peppercorn, P. Guineense, an African species, and Benin pepper, P. Clusii – they also have stems and are often called false cubebe.

COMBINES WELL WITH bay leaf, cardamom, cinnamon, curry leaves, rosemary, sage, thyme, turmeric.

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