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Anise seeds

Product code: 5000012
2,58 €
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Anise seeds

Product code: 5000012


Anis se može uzgojiti iz sjemena, a biljke se dostupne i u nekim staklenicima.

Kao začin, sjeme anisa najbolje je kupovati u komadu; provjerite da nema previše stabljika i ljuskica. U dobro zatvorenoj posudi zadržat će svoj okus i do 2 godine.


U Europi sjeme anisa najčešće se koristi za dodavanje okusa kolačima, tortama, kruhu i jelima od slatkog voća. Daje okus i nekim vrstama raženog kruha, skandinavskim svinjskim složencima i korjenastom povrću.

Portugalci prilikom kuhanja kestena dodaju šaku sjemenki anisa u vodu kako bi dodali delikatan miris. Smokve i anis u prirodnom su srodstvu; u Kataloniji kolači se rade od sjeckanih, suhih smokvi i badema s okusom anisa, a u Italiji "salama" od smokva i suhog voća začinjena je anisom.

Po Mediteranu anis često daje okus ribljim složencima, a njegovo eterično ulje traženo je radi aromatiziranja aperitiva i likera kao što su ouzo, pastis i anisette. Spomenuti se također mogu koristiti u kuhinji kao anis: dodajte par kapi pastisa rakovima, školjkama, ribljoj juhi ili majonezi uz ribu.

Na Bliskom Istoku i u Indiji sjeme anisa se najviše koristi u kruhu i u kiselim jelima. Indijski kuhari peku sjeme na suho, kako bi mu pojačali aromu prije nego ga stave u povrtni ili riblji curry, ili ih na brzinu preprže na vrućem ulju kao ukras leći.

U Maroku i Tunisu anis začinjava kruh.

DOBAR JE s jabukama, kestenima, smokvama, ribom i morskim plodovima, orašastim plodovima, bundevom, korjenastim povrćem


Pimpinella anisum

This delicate herb, native to the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, is botanically related to caraway, cumin, dill and fennel.

Now it is widely present in Europe, Asia and North America.

Its earliest use was in medicine, and the Romans loved it as a flavoring herb, especially in cakes, which were served at the end of the meal to aid digestion.

The plant is mainly grown for its seeds (anise seeds), but also the young leaves can be used as a spice.


Both the taste and the aroma of anise are sweet, like licorice root, warm, fruity, although the indian anise can also have a note of bitterness.

The leaves have the same fragrant, sweet note of licorice, with a slight peppery undernote, a more subtle flavor than the ones of fennel or star anise.

USED ARE both the seeds and the leaves.


Anise can be grown from the seeds and the plants are also available in some greenhouses.

As a spice, anise seeds are best bought in one piece

Nutritional Table Average nutritional value in 100g of product
Energy 0 kJ/ 337 kcal
Fats 15.9 g
- of which saturated fatty acids 0.586 g
Carbohydrates 50.02 g
- of which sugars 0 g
Proteins 17.6 g
Salt 0.016 g
Fibers 14.6 g
Taste Map
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