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Focaccia with tomatoes and olives

Time Needed: 4 hours (including rising of the dough)
Amount: x4 persons
  • 500 g white flour (manitoba, if possible)
  • 350 ml lukewarm water
  • 1 dry yeast or half a cube of fresh yeast
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon neutral honey (wildflower or acacia)
  • 1 dl extra virgin olive oil
  • 300 g cherry tomatoes or regular ripe tomatoes cut in slices
  • a handfull of pitted olives
  • rosemary
    1. Combine the flour, salt, and dry yeast in a bowl.
    2. Melt the honey in lukewarm water and stir it well.
    3. Make a smooth, soft, dough gradually adding water and half of the olive oil.
    4. Cover the dough with a cloth and leave it to rise until it doubles in size and until it gets bubbles.
    5. Meanwhile, prepare the tomatoes - wash them and cut them in half.
    6. When the dough doubles in size, put it in a square oily baking dish and spread it out evenly.
    7. Let it rise for another half an hour.
    8. Spread some oil onto the dough and make small holes in it by sticking your fingers in the dough.
    9. Put the tomatoes, olives, and rosemary on the dough.
    10. Sprinkle it with some more oil and bake at 190 °C until it gets golden brown.
    11. Serve warm and enjoy.

When we think about summer in the kitchen, tomatoes are certainly one of the first associations. If you are fed up with all possible variations of salsa, Caprese salad or various salads, we suggest you make - focaccia. It is a simple loaf made of yeast dough that has an important place in Italian cuisine, almost right next to pizza. Its dough is soft, and crispy on the outside, and it can be filled with various ingredients - from tomatoes and olives, over sliced ​​potatoes, onions, artichokes... It is often served as an accompaniment to the well-known Italian ritual of aperitif - an alcoholic drink before dinner, and it will often serve instead of bread for preparing delicious sandwiches with mortadella or prosciutto. We like it best on its own, freshly baked and fragrant.

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