The phone number for HARISSA WEB SHOP has changed. Please dial the area code for Croatia - Zagreb +3851 and type "HARISSA" on your keypad, or call +3851 42 74 772. Feel free to send your inquiries via email to Working Sundays can be found on our website under / STORES.


Latest Recipes

We bring you tried and tested recipes of our favorite dishes, culinary tips, and suggestions on how to best combine spices and ingredients for a complete sensory experience.


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Chicken with Pumpkin Spice

Enjoy this autumn-inspired dish with Harissa Pumpkin Spice seasoning, perfect for roasted white meat, vegetables, salads, coffee, hot chocolate and pumpkin-based dishes and desserts!


HARISSA Ramen soups and broths from the HOME Chef program – a harmony of flavors that enchants!

​Ramen soup, a traditional Japanese dish that has gained worldwide popularity, is a symbol of the richness of flavors and textures. The HOME Chef program of Harissa broths and Ramen soups will delight many palates!

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