The phone number for HARISSA WEB SHOP has changed. Please dial the area code for Croatia - Zagreb +3851 and type "HARISSA" on your keypad, or call +3851 42 74 772. Feel free to send your inquiries via email to Working Sundays can be found on our website under / STORES.

Payment Methods

You can pay for your ordered items in several ways:

  1. Credit Card - American Express, Diners, Eurocard/Mastercard, or Visa.
  2. Cash on Delivery - You pay the delivery service upon receiving the goods. Only for delivery in Croatia.
  3. Bank Transfer - You make the payment to the provided Harissa bank account based on the issued proforma invoice.

An invoice will be issued with the date of dispatch from our warehouse and will be sent to the email address you provided during registration. If you want the invoice to be sent to a different address, please notify us during the purchase process in the "notes" field.

In the case of credit card payments, Harissa will authorize the payment at the time of delivery. If there are any doubts about the accuracy of the data, we are not obliged to deliver the goods.

These terms also define the shipment of the ordered goods.

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All payments will be effected in Croatian currency. The charged amount on your credit card account is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations.

Latest Recipes

We bring you tried and tested recipes of our favorite dishes, culinary tips, and suggestions on how to best combine spices and ingredients for a complete sensory experience.


See all Recipes

Chicken with Pumpkin Spice

Enjoy this autumn-inspired dish with Harissa Pumpkin Spice seasoning, perfect for roasted white meat, vegetables, salads, coffee, hot chocolate and pumpkin-based dishes and desserts!


HARISSA Ramen soups and broths from the HOME Chef program – a harmony of flavors that enchants!

​Ramen soup, a traditional Japanese dish that has gained worldwide popularity, is a symbol of the richness of flavors and textures. The HOME Chef program of Harissa broths and Ramen soups will delight many palates!

Spice up your Instagram!